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Tag: fitness

Cardio Is Key

Cardio Is Key

Cardio Is Key By Efren Martinez Remember the cardio! On any given day at the gym, I notice that the bodybuilding areas are busier than the cardio sections. I get it; cardio fitness takes much more effort than lifting weights. When lifting weights, at best, your heart rate never gets higher than 110 BPM, and […]

By July 1, 2024 Read More →
The Dog Days of Fitness

The Dog Days of Fitness

The Dog Days Of FitnessBy Efren Martinez Summertime in The Valley means 100+ degree days of heat with very little relief at night. But it’s OK! It’s the Valley, and most of us have learned how to deal with it. Regarding outdoor fitness, I admit I haven’t acclimated myself to the extreme heat this summer. […]

By June 11, 2024 Read More →
Long Distance Running Tips

Long Distance Running Tips

Long Distance Running Tips. By Efren Matinez I’ve been racing for over 20 years. If I knew then what I know now, I would have changed my running skills altogether. No one ever told me that running long distances for many years can have negative effects on your body as you age. Don’t get me […]

By March 5, 2024 Read More →
You Can Dance If You Want To

You Can Dance If You Want To

FitView: You Can Dance If You Want ToBy Efren Martinez We all understand the importance of regular physical activity for maintaining good health and managing our weight. While our metabolism naturally slows down as we age, it’s crucial to stay active. This FitView is for those who dislike going to the gym. If you’re one […]

By February 4, 2024 Read More →
Building Muscles in 2024

Building Muscles in 2024

Building Muscles in 2024By Efren Martinez Happy New Year, friends! Along with the New Year, comes all those resolutions we make every year. Such as, “I’m going to work out more,” “I’m going to eat healthier,” or “I’m going all in 110% in taking care of myself.” Why? Because I want to have that Movie […]

By January 8, 2024 Read More →
Drop Off in Fitness

Drop Off in Fitness

Drop Off In FitnessBy Efren Martinez Recently, there has been a noticeable decrease in fitness levels. The gym is less crowded, and during my runs, I no longer see the familiar faces I used to pass along the way. It’s understandable, though. With colder weather approaching, who wants to go outside? We tend to bundle […]

By December 18, 2023 Read More →
Positive Role Model at 51 in Fitness

Positive Role Model at 51 in Fitness

Positive Role Model at 51 in FitnessBy Evren Martinez Last month’s FitView was a reminder that we all can look and feel our best at any age. I’m saying, 51 is the new 21 and I’m not alone. One man I know shows this example so well. His name is Pedro Teves. I met Pedro […]

By November 6, 2023 Read More →
Youthful Fitness

Youthful Fitness

Youthful FitnessBy Efren Martinez There are stories and myths about the Fountain of Youth, although Ponce De Leon never found it. However, I’m here to provide you with some ways to maintain a youthful appearance. While we can’t stop the aging process, we can take steps to keep our youthful look. Feeling good on the […]

By October 13, 2023 Read More →
Friends in Fitness

Friends in Fitness

Friends in FitnessBy Efren Martinez As many of you may know, I’ve always had a fully equipped “nightclub-style” home gym. What else would you expect from your DJ in Fitness? So when COVID hit, it worked out okay since my gym, Planet Fitness, had to close its doors like so many other businesses. Still, I […]

By September 5, 2023 Read More →
Martial Art Fitness

Martial Art Fitness

Martial Arts FitnessBy Efren Martinez Kung Fu, Karate, Judo, Tae Kwon Do, and Aikido are all forms of martial arts that offer an intense workout. But practicing martial arts offers much more than just physical exercise. It requires dedication, hard work, practice, discipline, communication, respect, self-esteem, and leadership skills.  Modesto has many different types of […]

By July 31, 2023 Read More →
Protect Yourself Against Skin Cancer

Protect Yourself Against Skin Cancer

Protect Yourself Against Skin Cancer By Efren Martinez Summer is here, and it’s going to be hot! And this Fitview, I want to share a personal experience to help bring awareness to others regarding outdoor fitness and the sun. Let me start by saying that the photo here looks harmless, but you don’t see a […]

By June 6, 2023 Read More →
Free Fitness

Free Fitness

Free FitnessBy Efren Martinez Life happens, and unfortunately, so do injuries. Due to an injury, I couldn’t run without discomfort and pain. No matter. If you can’t run, you jog. If you can’t jog, you walk. In my case, I switched my running shoes to my walking shoes. Honestly, I thought that if I didn’t […]

By March 7, 2023 Read More →
Be the Sunshine in your Fitness

Be the Sunshine in your Fitness

FitView: Be the Sunshine in your FitnessBy Efren MartinezThe Holidays are nicely put away in the 2022 storage containers, and we are deep into Winter. Our next Holiday, Valentine’s Day, might not be everyone’s favorite. Unfortunately, Valentine’s Day can be a cruel reminder to those alone. Let’s admit it. It’s cold and dark by 5 […]

By February 16, 2023 Read More →
A Runners Heart

A Runners Heart

FitView: A Runners HeartBy Efren Martinez Being a runner as well as a Tri-Athlete may sometimes come with an ill side effect of living a healthy lifestyle. Quite often it’s not the actual race that can be detrimental to your heart health but the training that leads up to it. I’ve often read that each […]

By December 6, 2022 Read More →
Double Play Fitness

Double Play Fitness

FitView: Double Play FitnessBy Efren MartinezIn October we get to enjoy some of the best weather all year long. For those who train all year outside, it’s a much welcomed sight. October is close to April’s weather when it comes to how pleasant the temperatures can be. I’d invite you to keep this in mind […]

By October 4, 2022 Read More →